"Good men are the stars, the planets of the ages wherein they live, and illustrate the times."
- Ben Jonson
Celebrating the life of Dane Trygve Westby

Have a story about Dane to share? Please drop us a line:
I can’t imagine the loss and the shock you guys are going through. I actually got to hang out with Dane at Patricia’s tent for the 200. He is such a great guy. Telling the story of how the bicycle trip was the worst idea ever. He was so funny. Dane is such an amazing person and his charisma changed people’s days.
Do you guys know if you will start to sell the Yamalube/Westby pit racing shirts? I would love to buy one and wear. I was speaking to Dane about this at the 200. If not, no worries. Smile. Dane accomplished more than most people will ever do in many lifetimes.
God Bless. – Brian T. (04/07/2015)
From one parent to another; I cannot begin to put myself in your place, every Mom or Dad’s maximum fear. The world is certainly a better place because Dane was part of it, you raised a fine son.
Lynn R. (05/03/2015)
Family and friends of Dane:
I don't know Dane or the family but as a mother who also lost a son to motorcycle racing/riding, I just want to send my heartfelt condolences to you. Folks will say "he left doing what he loved," and we can't deny that . . . but, he wasn't done yet. They will be in our hearts forever. My son ran #66 and he sends random messages through that number, as encouragement or to make us laugh. Look for those signs from your Dane.
Nancy C.
Momma to Kurt Caselli 1983-2013 (04/27/2015)
(To Chuck Giacchetto)
Thinking of you…
I just wanted to say that my thoughts have been with you and Dane’s family. He was an incredible young man. When he was here in August, I asked him to call his mom and dad and thank them for raising such an amazing guy. He said that he would, but, I bet, being a young fellow that he didn’t. I even offered to adopt him if he needed another mom in Georgia ! I also know what a great influence you were on him. I have met many racers in my 29 years here. All of them appeared to be self-absorbed and too good to talk to some admin like me. Dane was the only one who was down to earth and appreciative of what he had and what he could accomplish. He was extremely humble, and I was so very impressed by his character. Everyone was.
His loss really hit me hard. My only other sibling was a brother who was killed in on a Yamaha in 1968. He was only 17, 4 years by senior. I know the grief you are experiencing and the grief his family is experiencing. It came as a flood last week. We did get to watch some of his service on a laptop here. Your time at the podium was heartfelt and I know his family very much appreciates you and the support you have given to all of them.
Please pass on our condolences to his family. I saw managers cry for the first time. We all did. We all were with you in spirit.
Take care, and I send many hugs,
Chris (05/30/2015)
First of all I am very sorry for your loss. I did not know Dane personally but was a big fan. I write a monthly motorcycle column called MotorMouth in NJ's Metropolis Nights Magazine and plan to make my May article a tribute to Dane. My friends at Ultimate Motorcycling (Who I also freelance for) are getting me some hi res images of Dane for the piece. If there is anything special you would like me to include in the story just send it my way. Again-Condolences and much sympathy to you and yours.
Alan T. (03/30/2015)
Link to Alan's Dane tribute article here.)
(To Scarlett Westby)
Stories About Dane
Hey Scarlett, I've been thinking and thinking and I have a ton of personal stories about Dane, but one I think is important to who he is, is the story about how we found Daytona.
It was Halloween night and we were out with Scarlett and her friends. Dane and I were driving home at 3 a.m. and there was a Puppy running across the freeway! We didn't want her to get hit by oncoming traffic, so Pink Panther Dane puts on the flashers, reverses and blocks traffic, so Dark Angel Shelina can run around on the freeway to catch the pup. She growled at me at first, but I scooped her up and we brought her home to clean her up. She had apparently chewed through the rope her owners had her on. She had some cuts and blood on her. We knew my dog, Rampage might not like a new little pup in the house, but we weren't going to let her go straight to the pound. We gave her a bath and food, she was beautiful.

Dane tried not to like the pup, as their family already had enough dogs he said. But they attached to eachother immediately, it was obvious. I kept calling her Dane's because I could tell she loved him and he had a soft spot for her right away. We didn't name her for a while because we were searching for the owners. When the owners couldn't be found, Dane couldn't bare take her to the pound. A little Pit Bull, he was sure they wouldn't put enough effort to keep her long. Dane's love for her showed through and she became Daytona. A part of him that he loved so much, and she adored him right back. Unconditionally. He brought her everywhere with him, and she was always happy to be by his side.
- Shelina Moreda #93 AMA, FIM, TTXGP
Sending our love and hugs to you Tryg, and the entire Westby family. Dane will live on in our hearts forever!!!
Today we are celebrating Dane!
Love you all,
Perry and Kellee M.

My favorite memory of Dane is hard to choose. He made it a life goal to adventure, and if you were lucky enough to know him, he’d take you right along with him. But there was one specific night. He was on a short trip home from his racing tour, and we met up for dinner at his favorite taco place. Later that night he took me on his bike around town and finally up to the top of a hill at 61st and Sheridan. There was no road to get to this hill; he made his own. When we reached the top, he parked his bike and we laid on our backs and watched the stars and looked out over our great city. I can’t remember what we talked about. I don’t remember when I went home. I don’t even remember what I ate that night. All I remember is ADVENTURE.
Another is when we went to the Hallet race track. After the racing was done I hopped on a tiny dirt bike while he sat on the gas tank. I wanted to see the track and he gladly obliged. I remember coming up on this hill thinking, “Surely we’re not about to.. yep! Here we go!” We zoomed down the hill and into the twisting winding track through the woods. We jumped logs and whipped around corners. We moved so fast I could do nothing but hold on and trust him. It was the most terrified and thrilled I have ever been. And that is not a hyperbole. I remember smiling. Not a normal “how do you do?” smile, but more of a “So much joy my body can’t express it any other way” smile.
Of course there are more. Trips out to the Flying W Ranch and hole in the wall Mexican restaurants. Groups of friends gathered around a fire talking about life. The time he taught me how to ride a dirt bike so that if a serial killer was ever on the loose and my only escape was a bike, I would be the one to get away. Our Po-Ta-To joke and feeling his hand tap my left knee right before he did a wheelie.
So many memories.
Thank you for sharing your son/brother with the world. He impacted my life in ways I’m unable to articulate.
- Brittney O. (03/27/2015)
I remember Dane for the first time when he started leaving school by passing my desk.
I always told him to have a good evening.
At first, he was very shy and wouldn't talk much, but after awhile, I got him talking and he really came out of this shell.
He was such an articulate young man with a wonderful sense of humor. We had many a lovely conversation!
I remember when he got his car...and older model, yellow with black stripes, in perfect condition. I complimented him on it and how cool it looked. He just beamed and told me all about it!
He will be greatly missed! My thoughts are with you at this difficult time.
- Debra S.
All School Receptionist (03/27/2015)
As everyone has expressed, Dane was one of the kindest, most beautiful souls I've ever met. Once after a win at a CMRA endurance race, we took everyone to dinner in College Station, TX.
About 10 of us sat down at our table & there were crayons & a few pages to color with. Dane sat across me, the girlfriend of a teammate to his left & the other teammates to her left. Naturally Dane began coloring & keeping it carefully between the lines. It soon became apparent that while everyone else at the table was in conversation about the bike, the race & tire pressure, the teammates' girlfriend was more interested in Dane. Dane wasn't paying attention to the race talk, just coloring. The girlfriend soon starts talking to him & then starts coloring with him. Dane looks up at me as if "am I the only one noticing this?" We both laughed & she didn't get it. As she kept moving closer to Dane, he kept moving to the right, a little more to the right & finally it looked like he was barely in his chair & she had almost completely taken his chair over. He looked up at me & we laughed so hard that everyone else wanted to know what was so funny! There was no way he was going to go there & the rest of the table never had a clue.
Dane, Paul & I will miss you, but we thank God he brought you into our lives, if only for a little while.
Rest in peace sweet soul.
Sending our deepest condolences to Tryg, his mother, sister, Patricia, his dog Dakota & all of his beloved friends & loved ones, that he held so close to his heart throughout his young life.
We love you,
Jo W. (with Paul W.) 03/27/2015
Don't really know what to say ! But thought I would share a really cool story in his memory of our first meeting of Dane Westby !
The wife and myself attended the Super Cycle weekend last year at RA and set up our small Bowler trailer to the carousel camping area. We were sitting under or canopy having a cold bevy after Friday's practice session and were treated to a super cool surprise.
Around the corner of the trailer on his pit bike came this really cool dude with the big burns and the dark avaitors on. In tow on a side by side was a film crew complete with Dane's dad. This gentleman Dane Westby came over to me and asked if he could look at our Bowler trailer. I shook his hand and said no problem and as I poured us up a cold Malibu and Orange, the wife excitedly showed off our old Bowler trailer to Dane.
I quickly asked Dane to autograph the inside of the door with a sharpie and took a picture of the wife and Dane. I asked the question "How did you see this little trailer in the carousel area "? He had noticed it when he was out on the track practicing at about 130 - 140 mph. on the downhill entering the carousel turn. He stated that he had never seen a Bowler and wanted to find one to buy.
Danes dad then took the side by side back up to the pits only to return with Wesby Racing tee shirts for us. We had a new hero and wore the Wesby Racing shirts proudly on race day. I have some great photos of my our time with Dane and every time I come out that door of that Bowler trailer and see the" Woverines" autograph I will remember what a class act and friend Dane was.
I will be wearing my Westby Racing tee shirt on Friday in honour of a true champion !
"Thanks for the memories "
your Canadian buds !
Shelley and Spanky R.

My wife and I got to have dinner with Dane and Tryg at Road Atlanta a few years ago. Dane instantly became our favorite racer. We would always visit them on pit row. And our son Curtis was on the P1A team with Dane. We are heartbroken and the races will never be the same. Thank you Dane for giving us joy and excitement. We will miss you forever. But we will see you again one day.
- Brad & Jennifer J. (03/26/2015)
We are very sad in Puerto Rico. - Robert M. (03/26/2015)
I remember when Dane dressed as the Pink Panther for Halloween. It was one of my first impressions of him. I realized that he didn't take himself overly serious. He liked to have fun.
I remember when he hosted fallaway at the westby ranch. It was the first time I had camped with that group. He rode his mountain bike tirelessly making sure all the campers were accomodated. When it got dark he put a helmet light on and kept riding. That same trip I got stuck in the mud and he helped me get unstuck.
Once Scarlett and I were riding bikes with Dane and Chauncey downtown.
He took us into a parking garage and introduced us to what I can only call "urban downhill racing" he gave me an excellent safety brief beforehand ofcourse. I really had a blast with that.
I remember helping him paint his house. He was scrambling to get it done before the hardwoods were put in. So we worked into the night until it was done.
Later after the floors were put in Dane was sleeping in the scamper in the driveway. It was Christmas night and Scarlett and I were hanging out with him. We brought some beers and the three of us drank and visited in the little scamper. It was maybe the first time that he and I were able to really bond. - Joe F. (03/26/2015)
The first time I met Dane Westby, he was in second grade, had big, beautiful, curious eyes, and brown freckles delicately speckling his face. I remember being a little nervous ringing the doorbell, as it was my first play-date with Scarlett—a sweet, funny, and abundantly creative little girl. Mrs. Westby answered the door, “Hello there!” I paused, leaning my head slightly to the right, catching a glimpse of the speckled spy, peering sideways over a hallway doorframe. Our eyes met, and like a flash of light, he raced out from behind the wall toward the other end of the house yelling, “Scarlett!!!! Scarlett!!!! Your friend is here!!! Scarlett!!!” His little white legs carried him toward what seemed like Scarlett’s whereabouts…
My mother, standing beside me the entire time, and obviously a little annoyed that her daughter was rude enough to ignore a greeting, gave me a gentle nudge, to which I responded with an abrupt hiccup, “HI!” I was more concentrated on how Scarlett’s little brother just blew my entrance. I had the grand vision that I would announce my presence to Scarlett, but by beating me to the punch and completely disregarding my invisible 4th grade whimsies, he clearly had declared war.
The mothers continued the conversation at the front door when Scarlett came to the to the rescue and brought me into the Westby home. We went to her room together to play, and the spy was not too far behind. Every so often, he would sneak attack with aerial stuffed animals and other toys tossed through the bedroom doorway. The battle ensued throughout the day until snack time, when the three of us enjoyed dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets together. Even at the table he was energetic, swinging his legs back and forth, bouncing up and down. He had a big, bright smile that all but forced you to smile back. He had some good jokes and could make fun noises with his armpits. To my great dismay, snack time was some of the best time I had that first play-date.
I came into the house expecting to war with him and left thinking he was one of the coolest kids I had ever met. That is just the kind of person Dane was—he’d take you by surprise and keep your heart forever. - Arianna B. (03/26/2015)
So many fun memories of my days with Dane and Chauncey….
One of my favorites was at Goldrush ?2012
Following the race, we headed to the sponsor tent for some free BBQ. The girls serving were young and quite attractive. After we ate, he looked at me with a pretty serious look on his face.
Dane: Sandy, do you think those girls would give me another plate of food? I’m really hungry.
Sandy: Honey, all you have to do is smile at them and they’ll give you anything you want.
It sounds like a pretty unimportant conversation but it was the look of boyish amazement on his face that I’ll never forget. For someone that extraordinary to have such humility was delightful! - Sandra S. (03/26/2015)
A celebration of a life that was lived; Dane always came to David Anthony's hospitality and I didn't understand why he was coming around to hang out at first.
He's faster than me; usually faster people don't come around me.
I then realized why he was coming around all the time! Love Love Love Love Love Love Love
Love Love Love Love Love Love
Patricia my teammate I didn't know was dating Mr. Double digit 00 Dane Westby.
Dane alway had a super nice light about him, a deep sincere smile as well along with his scruffy look!
I personally liked him and will miss him. Like many others tears rolled when I heard about the loss of his presence however joy took me over when I thought about the life he lived while he graced us all with his genuine love for others and his short but long life in the broad scope of time!
He will be missed by me as a fellow racer. I liked taking picture of him and Patricia they looked so happy!
The other day we were testing together in Austin Texas and today he is gone. It it is my hope that he is with God in his Kingdom and hopefully waiting for many of us to be a part of Heaven too!
God is the only judge and Jesus Christ is LORD; outside of that it is a hope that we all hold onto for the believers. God be with you Mr. 00 Dane Westby! I will miss my friend at the track!
Christ love to Dane, all of his family, and Patricia.
Johnny Rock Page #269
DREAM / BELIVE / ACHIEVE (03/26/2015)

I remember racing at Cresson a few years ago when Dane was getting faster and faster...I was going through the entrance to Rattlesnake feeling like I was hauling butt, and Dane runs into me from behind and crashes. I continued on, thinking what a foolhardy overzealous youngster Dane was , and how out of control he must have been.
Well after thinking about that incident, I realized I was just getting in his way, and he Truly was a fast young man. Rest in peace, and help all of our other fallen racers in heaven to have a good time !!!!
- Eric Falt
CMRA racer and Board of Director member (03/26/2015)
Winterfest December 2014
Photobombed by the best! Dane! I miss you. One of many beautiful memories.
- Ashley W. (03/26/2015)

Ashley W., Dane Westby, Katherine H.
Chauncy had been teaching me to ride for a little while and after race season ended that year and Dane made his way back to Tulsa we all gathered on a Saturday morning to go get our BRAPP on!!! Well I'm so very green at riding much less getting my full brapp on and then Dane Westby is showing up?? Oh man to say I was nervous was an understatement. More so because Chauncey and Dane were so good and at each others wheels the whole time... Well moving on a few hours later, I finally conquered that hill that I was so very afraid of earlier that day. When we all took a break I was in celebratory mode but quietly, Dane said "well Sky you kicked ass today (high fives me)!" I replied, "Well, I'll get there, I'll be a rider one day." He replied " You ARE A RIDER TO DAY!!!" To have Dane Westbys stamp of approval meant so very much to me, and I think Chauncey as well. He is such a good teacher that's how I learned so quick. Many more brapp adventures there after, but that day, on that hill, in that moment I was crowned a rider by the fastest dude on two wheels.
Moving forward to DANESGIVING!!! I was the only one who brought a dish, I mean it's giving right? SO I make this huge pot of rainbow soup and have a few friends take it on out to the Flying W because I had a few things to do before I could get there. First thing I see upon arrival was Dane at the soup pot.. When I get out he hollers "Thank you Sky for the soup.. It's amazing with chips, try it with chips!" I did. He wouldn't allow anyone to put water or add to my soup knowing how much love I put in it. I was flattered and happy that kid was happy about the soup I mean it is DANESgiving.. Well since then (I don't think I ever got a chance to tell him) I have made that same soup and fed homeless, hippies, family, friends and each time the pot gets bigger and I feed more people. I spend much time at festivals feeding people This year I will feed in honor of Dane!! Actually that soup is no longer rainbow soup.. It's Wolverine soup!!!!
Much love to The Westby family, the times we have shared are some of my favorite moments. You all are the kindest most humble sweet people each one of you. My heart is with you. Today and always.
Love, Sky L. (03/26/2015)
My first memories of Dane
The first weekend I met Dane was at Mid-Ohio in 2012. Sideburns and all, he didn't look like what I had in my mind a professional motorcycle racer would look like. I don't really know what I had expected. He made me feel welcomed and very comfortable right from the moment I met him. He had this way about him that was so kind and so humble but still very confident. You just knew he was a cool guy, just being around him for a short bit. Not cool as in he was a big star, but cool in sort of a James Dean sort of way if that makes any sense. I was lucky to work with his new sponsor that year, so we hung around all weekend with him. It was fun being an umbrella girl for the first time and being out there near the front row on the grid with him. Anyway, we all sat around the RV and ate and were chatting, having a great time. Pops had some great jokes (that was obvious Dane had heard hundreds of times, but still smiled through it all and laughed at every one of them) you could tell how much he really loved his dad. I don't even remember what we were talking about or how it was brought up, but I think it had something to do with the huge Broaster Chicken sticker on the front of the RV, right over the windshield... Someone screamed out "I hit a bird!!" and we all laughed, except Dane. We went on to other subjects, then ALL OF A SUDDEN, Dane starts cracking up! Everyone kind of looked at him like... "what is so funny??" and he yells, "I hit a bird!!!" He finally got the joke! (that the RV hit the Broaster Chicken). We brought that up soo many times over the past few years. I remember sending him all sorts of memes about birds and bird poop, etc. just to get another laugh out of it. It never got old. It still makes me smile today. Then I learned from his mom, Jane, about how much he loved hummingbirds (and pretty much all animals and nature, etc) after his service. Everytime I see a hummingbird or anything related to them (pictures, hummingbird feeders, etc), it warms my heart and I smile, thinking of how awesome of a person, racer, son, man that Dane was. I am so lucky to have been able to call him a friend. I've been on Dane's team since that first weekend. I feel so blessed to have been able to travel with them over the past years and I still do. Our team IS our race family. I know he is there with us at the races, and trust me when I say that we still talk about our Daner often. I miss him allot and to this day my eyes tear up thinking of him and what a tremendous loss losing him has been for all of us (his family, our team, his friends, fans and anyone he had any sort of impact on). I can picture him looking up from a gaze towards the ground, with one eye slightly squinted and a bit of a smile on his face, telling me I shouldn't cry or be sad... I know that is what he'd do if he were here. For sure. Big Hugs to you Dane. We miss you.
- Vanessa
Hospitality Director & Spokes model for the Westby Racing team (08/29/2016)
I had known of Tryg and Dane and had first met them back in 2009 when I worked for another small team. In the following years we'd cross paths and say a quick hi but we never got to know each other. When I got a call from Jerry Daggett late one fall with a job offer to work for "The Westby's " I agreed with no hesitation. I don't know the exact timing but he said if I was interested I could meet him, Chuck, Dane and Tryg down at Homestead for kind of a working interview. That weekend was awesome! Here were Dane and your dad basically watching me do my job and deciding if I'd be a good fit for the team, while I fumbled around myself over nervousness. The part that made all the difference though was that those two guys were so laid back and easy going that it quickly settled into a nice relaxing and fun weekend. Up to that point I had worked with many riders of varying levels but Dane just had a way of letting you know that your efforts were appreciated like no one else. At some point during the weekend I was told that if I wanted the position it was mine. Dane however, pulled me aside and thanked me for taking the time to come down and help him out. That was the moment that I felt accepted, like I was officially a Westby mechanic. It was easy to see that he had a strong appreciation for the crew and THAT is what made it such a pleasant experience. That is the base of what makes a crew person want to give it their all to insure a rider is on a safe bike. It became less of a competitive thing and more of a personal reason for wanting to put this guy on the best bike on the track. Through the ups and downs of the season Dane could always find a positive note, and that was incredibly refreshing! I don't want to ramble on but just know this. I will forever be proud to have worked for "The Westby's". That is a direct reflection of and because of Dane. I will forever be proud to be a friend of the Westby's.
- Jerry Reeves